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Sports Injury? Sports Physiotherapy Can Help.
Our Winnipeg sports physiotherapists excel at treating sports-related injuries for all ages of athletes and abilities whether recreational, competitive or professional.
What is Sports Physiotherapy?
Injuries are an inherent risk for all athletes. Both professional and amateur athletes are subject to injuries of muscles, ligaments, joints and the nervous system. Many of those injuries lend themselves to treatment using sports physiotherapy.
Sports physiotherapy involves specialized treatments including injury specific exercises or massage to enhance the healing process. Specialized training allows sports physiotherapists to identify the root cause of pain and treat that cause rather than simply addressing the symptoms.
How We Help?
The dedicated team of professionals at Corydon Physiotherapy and Massage Clinic work with all athletes to treat and heal sports injuries, allowing players to return to their sport as quickly as possible.
Corydon Physiotherapy’s therapists train extensively in the treatment of sports injuries, learning all aspects of how the elements of the human body work together. They understand that pain in one area may be caused by an injury to another part of the body. For example, a pinched nerve in an athlete’s neck may result in pain felt in an extremity, not in the area actually injured. Treatment, to be effective, does not really start until the injury is accurately identified.
How It Works
Once the actual injury has been identified, athletic physiotherapy can begin. Our physiotherapists will carefully analyze your injury to determine the best course of action. In some cases, that might mean referral to another medical professional if indicated.
Sports physiotherapists do not work in a vacuum. Rather, they work as a member of a team that includes physicians, surgeons or other medical professionals. The type and scope of the injury dictate the athlete’s treatment.
Patient Involvement
The patient is a part of the process, as his or her input is necessary if physiotherapy for sports is to be effective. For example, during the analysis phase the physiotherapist must ask questions and eliminate possibilities before reaching any conclusions.
Hurrying a diagnosis could lead to unneeded therapies and lengthen the time needed for the injury to properly heal. Once it is determined that additional intervention by other medical specialists is not needed, the specialized physiotherapy treatment can begin.
Sports Physiotherapy Treatments
Different forms of treatment are dictated by the injury itself. For some injuries, massage or hands-on pressure therapy is appropriate. In other situations, heat, cold, ultrasound or gentle electrical therapy may be recommended. Each form of therapy targets specific conditions like swelling, muscle tension or similar conditions. In many cases, a combination of treatments may be indicated to relieve the patient’s symptoms.
Treatments may also include injury specific exercises to assist in healing. Swelling and pain must be addressed as an integral part of the treatment plan, and exercise is often an essential part of that treatment. Healing often takes time and repeated treatments.
As the healing process progresses, the type of treatment will almost certainly be altered by your physiotherapist to conform with the changing needs of the athlete’s injury.
Next Steps
Once significant progress is made in healing, strength training is initiated to regain stability and reduce the chances of re-injury. Generally, an athlete will want to return to playing as quickly as possible, and our sports physiotherapists will work with you to regain the strength needed before you return to active practice or competition. The training and strength building are sport specific, allowing the player to be fully prepared to participate again as soon as possible.
Corydon Physiotherapy’s experts may also assist with carefully examining protective gear, shoes or other equipment used during competition and make recommendations for improvements to minimize the chance of future injury. Once cleared by all medical professionals, you will be able to return to play knowing you are once again ready to compete.
Our Advanced Training
The physiotherapists at Corydon Physiotherapy Clinic are graduates of University and all have been licensed by the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba. There are strict requirements that must be met by all physiotherapists in Manitoba and around the world. At Corydon Physiotherapy we use the best proven treatments for athletes of any type. Our physiotherapists have more qualifications than the minimum degree. Call us today to learn more about our great team.
Common Sports Conditions
There are a wide variety of treatments our physiotherapists may use. The treatment program depends on the type of problem and what needs to be done.
The most common sports conditions are:
- Back pain: (disc injury or protrusion, nerve compression)
- Tendonitis (shoulder rotator cuff syndromes)
- Joint and ligament sprains (ankles and knees)
- Foot and heel pain (plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia)
- Repetitive strain syndromes (tennis elbow, frontal knee pain)
- Chronic pain syndromes affecting the back, hips and lower limb
Example Treatments:
An athlete may have lower back and hip pain due to an injured disc from a check in hockey or an awkward slide into home plate. The physiotherapy session will start with the physiotherapist asking questions and thoroughly checking how the lower back feels when the athlete moves in different directions.
We will also check to make sure the hip is not part of the problem. In this way, the injury can be properly identified and narrowed down. The physiotherapist will explain what the problem is and what is the best recommended treatment program. A treatment plan is made that best meets an athlete’s needs and is geared to their sport.
The treatment plan could include:
- To ease the pain, our physiotherapist uses many hands on treatments (manual therapy) like massage, to help the lower back move easier and with less pain. We may use our hands to apply gentle pressures to the lower back to help reduce the bulge in the disc and therefore get to the root of the problem.
- Other proven treatments like acupuncture, and ultrasound may be used to help healing..
- We will also teach the athlete special exercises and movements to help reduce the pain they feel, and allow for the disc to heal.
- Later in the treatment program the athlete will be shown strengthening and core stabilizing exercises that will be specific for the sport they are returning to.
Another example of sports physiotherapy treatment is:
An athlete spraining a knee or ankle ligament:

The sooner our physiotherapy treatment starts the faster the healing will progress. Right after determining the injury treatment would be:
- PRICE (protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation)
- Cold therapy
- Compression, taping, bracing, or support such as crutches or a walking boot.
- Elevation of the leg
- Use of ultrasound and electrical therapy for healing, pain and swelling.
- Gentle special movements after 24-48 hours to speed up the healing process.
Later on, our rehabilitation would be focused on:
- Making sure the injured ligaments have healed with the least amount of scar possible and that they are flexible and strong again.
- Hands on therapy (manual therapy) to assist movement and healing.
- Re-strengthening of the muscles around the injured area with exercises that are specific for the athlete
- Re-training the muscles and joints to be able to generate and accept the forces of playing their sport again
- Re-training balance and the skills of the sport
- Use of taping and or bracing to continue protecting the area
- Checking technique of the athlete to prevent further injury
- Giving preventative exercises and advice
- Checking equipment and footwear for optimum performance
Sports Physiotherapy at Corydon Physiotherapy focuses on the long term solutions for various conditions as well as short term pain relief and healing. Teaching self-treatment and self pain control is a very important part of physiotherapy treatment at our clinic.
The Benefits of Sports Physiotherapy
- Kill and decrease pain
- Heal faster
- Improve with less or no medication
- Learn how to treat your condition on your own
- Understand your condition and learn there are no mysteries
- Learn short and long term solutions for your problem
- Return to your sport pursuits as fast as possible and with optimum performance!
Book Your Appointment Today!
Our sports physiotherapists take an educational approach in getting you back in shape for sport. We pride ourselves on long term solutions for pain, therapy and injury prevention. Our sports physiotherapists are trained and qualified to treat athletes of all physical fitness levels, from recreational to competitive. We understand your drive for sport, and are committed to getting you back to your active lifestyle. We can recommend a custom physiotherapy treatment plan for you.
Call us today at 204-900-8297 if you have any questions or would like to speak to us. We can even book an appointment for your initial consultation or next appointment. Call today!
Click here to download the patient information form and payment policies to save you time before your visit.
We look forward to hearing from you!